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Address: c/Pedro Cerbuna 12, Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Analítica – Zaragoza (Spain)


Bruna Moreira Freire obtained her degree in Chemistry at the Federal Institute of São Paulo (Brazil) in 2016, and her Master degree in Science and Technology/Chemistry at the Federal University of ABC (Brazil) in 2019. She is currently a PhD student at the Federal University of ABC in the EnvironmetalsBR research group, in cotutelle with the MARTE research group at University of Zaragoza (Spain). Her research has been focused on multielement determination in biological, food and environmental samples using ICP-MS. Other topics of interest are the use of nanotechnology in agriculture and the method development for sizing nanoparticles in plant tissues by single particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS).



Freire, Bruna Moreira; Lange, Camila Neves; Augusto, Caroline Cristine; Onwuatu, Fernanda Ribeiro; Rodrigues, Gustavo Dell’Arno Principe; Pieretti, Joana Claudio; Seabra, Amedea Barozzi; Batista, Bruno Lemos

Foliar Application of SeNPs for Rice Biofortification: a Comparative Study with Selenite and Speciation Assessment Journal Article Forthcoming

En: ACS Agricultural Science & Technology, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. null, Forthcoming.

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Freire, Bruna Moreira; Rua-Ibarz, Ana; Nakadi, Flávio Venâncio; Bolea-Fernandez, Eduardo; Barriuso-Vargas, Juan J.; Lange, Camila Neves; Aramendía, Maite; Batista, Bruno Lemos; Resano, Martín

Tracing isotopically labeled selenium nanoparticles in plants via single-particle ICP-mass spectrometry Journal Article

En: Talanta, vol. 277, pp. 126417, 2024, ISSN: 0039-9140.

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